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Opposing AB286 Anti Gun

Writer's picture: Janine HansenJanine Hansen

March 29, 2021

Testimony of Janine Hansen, State Chairman Independent American Party

Opposing AB286 Anti Gun

I have had a concealed carry permit for 25 years. We oppose AB286 which is a violation of our rights and nullifies our God Given inalienable right to keep and bear arms.

In the Nevada Constitution in Article 1, Section 1, it states, “All men are by Nature free and equal and have inalienable rights among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; Acquiring, Possessing and Protecting property and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.” (Inalienable means a right which cannot be taken away from you by government.)

AB286 takes away our inalienable right to defend life and liberty and to obtain safety and happiness by severely restricting the right to carry a firearm…almost everywhere we go. That right, which according to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution “shall not be infringed” just disappears because of AB286. (Infringed means that you, the government, encroach in a way that it violates our rights.)

AB286 is a taking away of our rights. When you cannot exercise a right anywhere except in your own home or vehicle, when the right to keep and bear arms is so infringed that you cannot exercise it, there is no right.

In Article 1 Section 11 of the Nevada Constitution it states, “Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense.” AB286 violates that provision of the Nevada Constitution. When you cannot exercise the right to keep and bear arms at a club venue, golf course, theater, church, hotel/motel, shopping mall, stadium, arena, concert hall, showroom, anywhere with live entertainment, a sporting event, rodeo, ball game, fireworks event, state or county fair, horse or car racing, etc., all of those places become “gun free zones” which makes all law abiding citizens targets of criminals. AB286 denies us safety and the right of self defense. The criminals will know that there is no one there who can stop them from killing law abiding citizens.

AB286 will not make us safer but more vulnerable to those who unlawfully will continue to use guns. We all know that criminals prefer unarmed victims.

Thank you.

Oppose AB286 Anti-Gun, anti-self defense, anti-CCW!

Please contact the Committee.

This bill essentially negates the Right to Carry a Concealed Weapon (permit) and to open carry a weapon in almost every public place. Right now, you are not permitted to carry in a school, child care facility, on the System of Higher Education, or in a NRS202.3673. public building that has a metal detector.

This bill defines “Covered Premiseswhere you can no longer carry concealed without specific written permission including: a club venue, golf course, a casino, a theater, a church, hotel/motel etc., shopping mall, stadium, arena, concert hall, showroom, anywhere with live entertainment, a sporting event (rodeo, ball game, fireworks event, state or county fair, horse or car racing, etc.) In other words, this bill makes it illegal to carry almost everywhere including in the parking lots of places that will no longer allow firearms.

This bill also prohibits individuals from privately manufacturing firearms that don’t have a serial number. This is a cottage industry in Nevada which has been legal.

Nevada Constitution Article 1 Section 11: “Right to   keep and bear arms; civil power supreme.1. Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful 2. The military shall be subordinate to the civil power; No standing purposes. army shall be maintained by this State in time of peace, and in time of War, no   appropriation for a standing army shall be for a longer time than two years.”

Assembly Judiciary Committee

You can submit testimony at this link.

Email Committee Below

MESSAGE for Committee: Please oppose AB286 which takes away the right to keep and bear arms by severely limiting the right to open carry or concealed carry almost everywhere a person may go including a ball game, rodeo, shopping mall, concert, or church. This bill is a violation of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Nevada Constitution Article 1 Section 11 which provides for “the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense…and other lawful purposes.” This bill does not make us more safe, it makes us targets, because criminals prefer unarmed victims. (Or better yet write your own message.)

Assembly Legislative Growth and Infrastructure:

Most Important to CALL: Chair Assemblyman Steve Yeager 775-684-8549

Other phone numbers below.

Email Democrats MOST important to email:

Email Republicans:

Democrat phone numbers MOST IMPORTANT to CALL:

Rochelle Nguyen: 775-684-8541

Shannon Bilbray-Axelrod: 775-684-8847

Lesley Cohen: 775-684-8855

Cecelia Gonzalez: 775-684-8595

Elaine Marzola: 775-684-8539

C.H. Miller: 775-684-8587

David Orentlicher: 775-684-8577

Shondra Summers-Armstrong: 775-684-8545

Republican phone numbers:

Alexis Hansen: 775-684-8851

Melissa Hardy: 775-684-8823

Heidi Kasama: 775-684-8827

Lisa Krasner: 775-684-8848

P.K. O’Neil: 775-684-8825

Jim Wheeler: 775-684-8843

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