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2023 Interim Independent American Party Platform


We, the members of the Independent American Party of Nevada, recognize that throughout human history, most men have been slaves to man’s institutions of government.  We declare that through the providence of God, the Founding Fathers, in accordance with our Judeo-Christian traditions, threw off the shackles of tyranny and established a Constitutional Republic, governed by law…


We declare:  That the proper role of government as defined by The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights is to protect the God-given rights of Life, Liberty and Property; that usurpation of further power by government constitutes tyranny.


Follow the Constitution:  The Constitution is the foundation of the American Republic.  It limits government, provides for the separation of powers, and guarantees our God-given rights.  All laws should comply with the US & Nevada Constitutions.  Limit the power of the President to issue Executive Orders.  Oppose all Article V Constitutional Convention applications and the circumvention of the Electoral College through the National Popular Vote Compact.


Encourage Economic Responsibility and Prosperity:  Cut taxes, wasteful government spending and regulations.  Protect wealth by returning to sound money, including gold and silver, and make gold and silver legal tender in Nevada. Oppose Central Bank Digital Currency.  Oppose international trade agreements such as USMCA (United States Mexico Canada Agreement), GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), and WTO (World Trade Organization), that damage our sovereignty, and fail to protect intellectual property, patents, and jobs.  Collective bargaining agreements for public employees are detrimental to a government of the people, and should be eliminated. 


Protect Our Borders:  “A nation without borders is no nation at all.”—Ronald Reagan.  Stop the flow of illegal aliens and terrorists across our undefended borders, and oppose all tax funded benefits to illegal aliens. Only citizens may vote.  English shall be the official language. Promote a merit-based legal immigration system.


Rights of Gun Ownership:  Nevada Constitution Art. 1 Sec. 11: “Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes,” including the right to own and use ammunition/components.  Oppose federal usurpation of the rights of the people and States by restoring protections secured by the 9th and 10th Amendments. 


Property Rights:  “Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist.”—John Adams.  We oppose seizure and confiscation of real and personal property without a jury trial and due process of law.  Oppose radical programs, like Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development.  Protect traditional water rights, including geothermal.  The federal government shall not exercise jurisdiction within an admitted State of the Union outside the authority granted in Art. 1 Sec. 8 Clause 17 of the US Constitution, and we support the transfer of all federal land to sovereign state jurisdiction in accordance with that clause.  Nevada is being deprived of control of almost 90% of its land. 


Family Friendly:  Keep marriage only between a man and a woman.— Support the right to be born and protect life until natural death.  Strengthen the traditional family without government interference or regulation. 


Defend America:  Protect America’s independence as a sovereign nation. Get the US out of the United Nations, and withdraw from NATO. No undeclared foreign wars and occupations.  Bring our troops home to secure our border. 


Freedom of Speech & Petition:  “…no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech” and the “people shall have the right freely to assemble” and “to petition” the government.—Nevada Constitution Art. 1 Sec. 9 & 10.  These precious rights are under attack by government and suppressed by the media, education establishments and WOKE corporations. 


Medical Freedom:  Protect the people’s freedom of choice in health care or refusal of health care. Protect the ability to choose a health care provider. The government shall not dictate to the provider what type of payment they shall accept.  Support freedom from mandatory medication, vaccinations, medical testing and from forced health insurance programs. Oppose the tyranny of the World Health Organization. Protect the privacy of individual health records and oppose the mandated sharing of electronic health records. Repeal all provisions of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.  Oppose regulations that interfere with the sale & consumption of natural health products. 


Cut Unconstitutional & Reckless Spending:  IRS abuses must stop. Cut taxes and phase out the IRS.  Restore constitutional taxation and limited government.  Audit, then eliminate, the private Federal Reserve Bank.  End dollar-destroying inflationary policies.  Require Congress to enact an annual budget.  “When the people fear government then tyranny has found victory.”—Thomas Jefferson


Protect Privacy & Constitutional Liberties:  Repeal the Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Acts, which clearly violate fundamental privacy and due process rights.  Stop government spying on citizens.  Protect “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures…”—Nevada Constitution Art. 1 Sec. 18.


Protect Election Integrity: Return to Nevada’s election laws before Covid and the changes in 2022. No electronic voting machines, no universal mail-in ballots, no ballot harvesting. Require voter ID, only U.S. citizens may vote, and all ballots and election information in English only. Oppose Jungle Primaries and Rank Choice Voting.


Protect Parents’ Rights: Parental rights are fundamental rights. Prohibit transgender grooming in schools. Require parental consent for minor girls to have abortions. Require parental consent for all health care for minors, under age 18, and to participate in Planned Parenthood sex education classes.


No National ID:  Oppose and repeal any form of National ID cards including REAL ID, PASS ID, mandatory bio-metric identification, and chipping for Citizens and their property/animals.  Stop the use and abuse of Social Security numbers in any identification such as used in the US Code Title 42, Sec. 666.  Do not accept foreign matricula consular documents as legal ID for any purpose in the US. Do not give illegal aliens driver’s authorization cards.


Preserve Freedom of Religion:  A “perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured.”—Ordinance of the Nevada Constitution.  “…Liberty of [conscience] (is) hereby secured.”—Nevada Constitution Art. 1 Sec 4.  End the establishment of a civil religion by the government. Protect the religious liberty of people with traditional Biblical values.


Right to Trial by Jury:  “The right of trial by Jury shall be secured to all and remain inviolate forever…”—Nevada Constitution Art. 1 Sec. 3.  Require jury trials in all cases involving government agencies.  The powers of a jury include the right to refuse to convict a defendant if the jurors feel that the law is unjust or being unfairly applied in the case. 


Educational Freedom:  Support choice in education including private and home school. Repeal Common Core Standards (Nevada Academic Content Standards) and other government mandated standards.  Defund and abolish the Federal and State Departments of Education and return the responsibility of education to parents and local government.


Homeowners’ Associations:  Apply the requirements of Due Process of Law, and other constitutional restrictions upon governments, to homeowners’ associations as required by NRS 116.31085.4b


Climate Change: Government is using our tax dollars to promote the fraud human caused “Climate Change”, subsidizing alternative energy which is more expensive and less efficient than oil, gas and coal, subsidizing electric vehicles, and imposing unreasonable restrictions and regulations on oil, gas and coal companies. All of these are causing our fuel, transportation, power and food costs to increase dramatically. Drill for oil and gas, mine coal and make our state and nation energy independent thereby lowering costs to consumers, increasing freedom, and providing for national defense. 


Separation of Powers: We believe the Nevada State Constitutional Provision making it unconstitutional for any government employee to serve in the legislature, should be enforced.

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